Happy Independence Day!
242 years is quite an accomplishment.
A note to those who believe it is “political” or somehow “offensive” to celebrate our independence.
You should examine why you choose to live in this country if you cannot celebrate our independence and liberation from tyranny.
Celebrating does not mean you approve of everything we do. But, it IS a celebration of who we are as a nation, and why we are different from most other nations.
I know there are many who seem to think we’re the worst place on Earth, yet, they continue to live here.
I would encourage those who come here and feel it necessary to trash our traditions, our beliefs, our constitution, our freedoms, and our uniqueness among nations to find someplace you like better, and move there. We will not miss you.
It is fine to disagree with the other party, or to dislike the president, or even to dislike those who hold different views than you do.
It is NOT fine to work to destroy who we are. We ARE a nation of laws. A nation that strives to protect the rights of the minority, whether that minority is religious, racial, gender, or whatever. Our constitution is the tool for doing that, and the changes in our society over the last 242 years reflect the use of that tool.
If you cannot stand for others to express their views, no matter how odious those views might be, or if you feel it necessary to suppress the free speech or religious practice, then perhaps you do not belong in this country. Luckily, you are free to leave. Nobody is stopping you.
If you want to stay, you might start trying to actually understand why others hold views different than your own. You might try to understand those views instead of contemptuously dismissing them, and the holders of the views, out of hand. Feel free to work, legally, to change laws you believe are wrong. That is what is done in a republic like ours.
We are a VERY tolerant nation. That does not mean that our tolerance or patience is unlimited, or that we will countenance those who would overthrow the government or dismantle our constitution and our freedoms. We won’t…..