I think it’s funny how people get hysterical and accuse you of being a “Trumpie”, or a “disciple of Trump”, or an “extremist” if you point out that so far, no direct evidence has been introduced to link offers of aid, threats of removing it, or linkages between investigations and delays in aid.

Sorry, but all it shows is an attention to detail and a dislike for railroading someone accused of something.

Personally, I’m a HUGE believer in the concept of “Innocent until PROVEN guilty”.

Trump has been accused. That accusation has NOT been proven, in my opinion.

Did he ask for investigations? Yup.

As president, does he have the right (and even responsibility/authority) to initiate or oversee investigations? You bet he does. He is the head of the armed forces, CIA, FBI, DOJ, Department of State, and more.

Are there plausible explanations for aid being delayed by a president who has been extremely vocal about “wasteful” aid going to corrupt countries?

You bet there are.

Unless someone comes forward with explicit knowledge and direct linkage that Trump:

A) Delayed the aid in order to force the Ukraine to initiate an investigation it didn’t want to initiate or conduct;

B) Did NOT have a valid, plausible reason for delaying aid;

C) Asked for the investigation solely to benefit his political campaign for president,

Then I will not believe, beyond a reasonable doubt, that he is guilty.

And, people can jump up and down, demanding he testify or produce all sorts of documents, but, nobody is required, in this country, to prove their innocence.

It’s up to the accusers to prove guilt.

And, no, it does not mean the accused is guilty if he refuses to help those trying to railroad him, which is VERY clearly the case with a Democratic congress that’s been screaming “impeach him” since before he actually took office.

Testimony from people without direct knowledge of the events is not convincing.

Testimony from an ambassador he fired and was “mean” to is not relevant.

Is he frequently an asshole? Crude? Obnoxious? Absolutely.

Does that make him guilty or subject to impeachment? Nope.

And, it has NOTHING to do with whether or not I agree with his policies, like or dislike him, or even believe him. None of that matters.

I would take the exact same position had the Republicans tried to impeach Obama over absolute bullshit. It’s simply wrong.

Feel free to accuse me of being a far-right extremist, a “Trumpie”, or whatever you like, but the FACT is that I believe strongly in our constitutional rights.

I don’t care that this is not a criminal proceeding (as some of my lawyer friends have pointed out, implying that as such, you don’t have an expectation of fairness and due process). It’s wrong to initiate proceedings where there is clearly no possible “fairness” involved.

No matter what Trump does, says, produces, testifies, or what others do, say, testify, or produce, the verdict is pre-determined. The Democrat majority will find him guilty (i.e. recommend impeachment).

We ALL know that to be true. If you deny it, I will flat out call you a big fat liar.

If YOU were being accused in a “court” where there was absolutely zero chance of anyone believing anything you said, why would you participate or cooperate if you didn’t have to?

I wouldn’t.